रत्नागिरी : Ratnagiri : वरवडे, काळबादेवी, जयगड गावांचा ‘कोस्टल मच्छिमार गावे’ योजने अंतर्गत विकास होणार भारत साकराच्या प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्य संपदा योजने अंतर्गत आता रत्नागिरी तालुक्यातील वरवडे, काळबादेवी, जयगड गावांचा ‘कोस्टल मच्छिमार गावे’ योजने अंतर्गत विकास होणार आहे. रत्नागिरीचे पालकमंत्री उदय सामंत यांच्या पाठपुराव्यामुळे रत्नागिरी तालुक्यातील तीन गावांचा समावेश या योजनेत करण्यात आला आहे. या योजनेत महाराष्ट्रातील १५ गावांचा समावेश असून यामध्ये ३ गावे रत्नागिरी Ratnagiri वरवडे, काळबादेवी, जयगड गावांचा ‘कोस्टल मच्छिमार गावे’ योजने अंतर्गत विकास होणार तालुक्यातील आहेत.
Ratnagiri : वरवडे, काळबादेवी, जयगड गावांचा ‘कोस्टल मच्छिमार गावे’ योजने अंतर्गत विकास होणार
किनारपट्टीवर वसलेली हि तीन गावे विशेषतः मत्स्यपालनाची महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र आहेत. या भागातील बहुसंख्य लोकांची उपजीविका मत्सव्यवसायावर चालते. म्हणूनच मच्छिमारांची गावे म्हणून एक ओळख या गावांना आहे. आता या योजनेच्या माध्यमातून या गावांचा विकास होणार आहे. यासाठी केंद्र सरकार कडून प्रत्येक गावाला २ कोटी रुपयांचा निधी देण्यात येणार आहे.

Subject: Development of 100 Coastal Fishermen Villages as Climate Resilient Coastal Fishermen Villages (CRCFV) under PMMSY
This Department has recognised that the marine fishing villages housed along the country’s coastline are serving as vital hubs for economic activities in marine fisheries, aquaculture, mariculture, post harvest management, input supply amongst the many others. It is also noticed that the coastal villages are instrumental in providing livelihoods to around 5 million marine fishers, contributing significantly to revenue generation and supplying nutritional protein to coastal populations. Recognizing the vital role of these coastal fishermen villages, this Department has initiated to develop a total 100 coastal fishermen villages situated close to the coastlines as Climate Resilient Coast Fishermen Villages (CRCFV). This transformative effort aims to boost their economic vibrancy and resilience to climate challenges. It has been decided that under the ongoing Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), the initiative will receive complete central government funding, with an allocation of ₹2 crore per village dedicated to the development of essential fisheries infrastructure and facilities.
The initiative’s multifaceted objectives aim to create sustainable economic and livelihood opportunities for fishers residing in coastal fishermen villages along the seashore. It aims to develop necessary fisheries infrastructure tailored to the specific needs of these coastal communities and transform them into climate-resilient and aesthetically appealing fishing villages to attract tourists and facilitate coastal trade. Detailed surveys and gap analyses by the Central Committee of Climate Resilient Coastal Fishermen Village (CCCRCFV) will guide the selection of need-based facilities, including common facilities like fish drying yards, processing centers, fish markets, and emergency rescue facilities. The program also promotes climate-resilient fisheries through initiatives such as seaweed cultivation farms, artificial reefs, and the promotion of green fuel. Safety and security measures for fishermen and fishing vessels, economic activities like aquaculture and ornamental fisheries, and support programs like insurance, livelihood and nutritional support, Kisan Credit Cards, and training will be systematically implemented. The programme also envisages suitable linkages and convergence with the schemes implemented by various Central Ministries/Departments/States to integrate fisheries development activities, fill the gaps in the social infrastructure facilities, consolidate outcomes and direct the public resources for filling identified gaps in such facilities.
This Department vide letter No J-117012-3/2020-Fy dated 12th February, 2024 has issued detailed Guidelines on development of 100 Coastal Fishermen Villages as Climate Resilient Coastal Fishermen Villages (CRCFV) under PMMSY detailed guidelines. Further, this Department has accorded approval to the proposal of National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) (being the Nodal Implementing Agency) for development of these coastal villages as CRCFV at a total cost of Rs. 200 crore. I am happy to add that the Hon’ble Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying has on 11th September, 2024 during the celebration of 4th Anniversary of PMMSY also declared adaption and development of these 100 coastal villages as CRCFV.